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Writer's pictureupasana poudel

6 Signs you're A Modern Dad!!

Fatherhood now looks quite different than it did in previous generations. Here are several telltale indications that you could be a Modern Dad.

You're more capable of changing diapers than fixing a tie.

Today's diapers are simple to use. Gone are the days when complex pins and origami-style folding procedures were required. Clip-on ties are the best option for a guy who can't change his diaper.

You're well-versed in today's text trends.

TTYL, YOLO, and NVM are not terms that make you ponder what they imply. You text like an expert while using texts like these.

You recognize the significance of a healthy work-life balance.

And it is not limited to going to work and providing for your family. You're just as interested in housework and your children's lives as your wife is.

You dived into parenthood right from the start

You don't allow anyone to tell you that your duty as a father doesn't begin until the baby arrives.

You're equally enthralled with your children's fancy dress competition.

Alternatively, should we say more than your children? You browse through all of the available internet videos and blogs to assist your youngster in dressing up as the show's most opulent character.

You're okay with your kids dating.

Yes, your children talk about their dating lives with you and occasionally seek your advice. You're more than a father to your child; you're a buddy with whom they can talk about everything.

You know more about Facebook and Instagram than anybody else.

You're an expert at snapping selfies and are well-versed in your finest angels. Your children are your Instagram and Twitter followers. And, yeah, you're quite aware that tagging them in humiliating photos isn't cool. That's what separates you from the pack.

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